Thursday, 21 July 2011

Long street 365.25 July2011

Long Street in Cape Town city centre is one of the city's most popular destination areas. It has a great mix of shops in addition to bookshops, restaurants, bars and lots more. The various businesses operate from early mornings till very late affording the street a great vibe and mix of people.
By posting a picture daily I am hoping to capture the feel of Long Street throughout the year as seasons/moods/people change. The pictures are taken by people working in Long Street and not professional photographers, hoping to capture and to share what makes us love our street. 

31 July: In support of Cape Town World Design Capital 2014 bid I chose a picture that is not from Long Street today.

            30 July: Long Street from a different angle

                   29 July: Johnnie misbehaving


28 July: safe passage home

27 July: sometimes just another number...

               26 July: Long Street favourite 

25 July: liquid dreams on long 
24 July: dead or alive?  

                 23 July: as light as a feather 

 22 July: a colourful flashback 
to a festival event

   21 July: Service with a smile 

                20 July: winter warmer 

19 July: hanging out in Long St can cost 
you an arm and a leg...or well, just a leg . . 

18 July: you can wear it, be it, give it 
and even drink it

17 July: a candle for someone special

16 July: Taste of Africa

15 July: longer paupers' pants 
- rather rich man's rags

14 July: let the light shine on the 
first 30 days of Project Long Street 365.25

                 13 July: time to reflect

12 July: shall we dance, dear?

11 July: i'm watching you . . .

                10 July: Lazy Long Street Sundays
                       9July: click-click

8 July:keep our future safe

                   7 July:sunny days again

                     6 July: zoom-zoom-zoom

5 July: an incentive to make sure your car's 
still there when you want to go home

4 July: money makes your world go round

3 July: mix and match
2 July: smiles behind the shadows

1 July: Does luck have anything to do with Friday's?