Thursday, 5 April 2012

Long Street 365.25 April 2012

Long Street in Cape Town city center is one of the city's most popular destination areas. It has a great mix of shops in addition to bookshops, restaurants, bars and lots more. The various businesses operate from early mornings till very late affording the street a great vibe and mix of people.
By posting a picture daily I am hoping to capture the feel of Long Street throughout the year as seasons/moods/people change. The pictures are taken by people working in Long Street and not professional photographers, hoping to capture and to share what makes us love our street.

 30 April 2012 - Fluit,Fluit...die maand is uit

    29 April 2012 - Fragile

 28 April 2012 - Oh my!

 27 April 2012 - In need of a loving home

 26 April 2012 - Winter weather

 25 April 2012 - Cris-Cross

 24 April 2012 - Sugarloaf on Long

  23 April 2012 -Crocodile tears

  22 April 2012 -Green With Envy

  21 April 2012 -Victorian Style in Long Street

  20 April 2012 -Game/set/match

19 April 2012 -Short and sweet

                   18 April 2012 - Classic

                    17 April 2012 -Lava Balls

                   16 April 2012 -April Fools

                   15 April 2012 -Shawarma

                14 April 2012 - Brighten up your day

                  13 April 2012 -Winter Warmer

                      12 April 2012 - take a bite

                       11 April 2012 -Grey Day

                10 April 2012 - Shoe Shine

                    9 April 2012 -Unhappy Public Works

                      8 April 2012 -Fruity Vibes

                      7 April 2012 - Belgian Cool

                      6 April 2012 - Not Pretty

                  5 April 2012 -Celebrate Life

                       4 April 2012 -Good Night

                   3 April 2012 -Small Mercies

2 April - combat the sudden chill with a wood fire

1 April - mural with a frightening message